TEPUSA Gulf of Mexico 2020
An environmental baseline survey (EBS) was conducted to characterize the existing offshore environment and determine existing biological conditions at specific Drilling Lease Blocks designated for potential energy exploration. These Blocks were in the Garden Banks area, roughly 190 miles south of Louisiana. Seafloor at these sites ranged from approximately 4,000 to 7,000 feet below sea level. The baseline survey will help support the development of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for activities in these areas.
EcoAnalysts processed samples for multiple components for this EBS program. We analyzed nearly 70 unique infaunal samples whereby we performed full sorts and identification of all organisms to the Lowest Practical Taxonomic Level (LPTL). We calculated taxa richness, total abundance, dominance, diversity, evenness, and biomass by major taxonomic groups.
EcoAnalysts also processed ichthyoplankton, zooplankton, and phytoplankton to the LPTL for this project. We analyzed the chlorophyll samples for a, b, and c pigments as well as pheophytin pigments.