Sediment Sampling and Analysis in Northwest States MATOC Scott MackeyApril 1, 2024sediment toxicity, environmental sampling, seattle, archaeological survey
Ecological Risk Assessment: Puget Sound Exhaust Gas Cleaning System Scott MackeyMarch 1, 2024ecological risk assessment, environmental toxicity, Puget Sound, whole effluent toxicity testing
Idaho Cobalt Mining Project Biological Monitoring Scott MackeyFebruary 1, 2024NPDES, biological survey, fish survey, stream habitat evaluation
Yakama Nation Food Web Study Scott MackeyJanuary 28, 2021riparian, biomass, biomonitoring, food web, freshwater, taxonomy, terrestrial, length-mass regressions, tribe, White Salmon River Basin
TEPUSA Gulf of Mexico 2020 Scott MackeyJanuary 19, 2021algae, benthic, infauna, benthic macroinvertebrate, chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, chlorophyll-c, ichtyoplankton, offshore, phytoplankton, zooplankton, taxonomy, consulting, energy, marin
Fish and Mussel Salvage near Bovill, Idaho Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021fish salvage, water diversion, steelhead, native fish, invertebrates, mussel salvage, backpack electrofishing, mussel relocation
NEON Benthic Macroinvertebrate, Algae and Zooplankton Taxonomic Identification Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021NEON, benthic macroinvertebrate, zooplankton, taxonomy, taxonomic identification, algae taxonomy, periphyton, phytoplankton
IDEQ Phytoplankton Community Assessment Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021wilderness, phytoplankton, dissolved metals, chlorophyll, taxonomy, multivariate
NEON Chlorophyll Analysis Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021NEON, chlorophyll, pheophytin, carotenoid analyses, terrestrial foliage, aquatic algae, EPA
Kitty Hawk Wind Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021Location/Geography Atlantic Ocean, Offshore North Carolina Service type benthic, benthic infauna, benthic invertebrates, benthic macroinvertebrate, benthos, invertebrate, marine, offshore, offshore wind, taxonomy
Seattle City Light Mill Pond Dam Removal Scott MackeyJanuary 8, 2021benthic macroinvertebrate, bioassessment, biomonitoring, community assessment, data analysis, statistical analysis Client Sector? local/municipal, industrial - hydropower Habitat? Freshwater, wadeable stream, infrastructure/facility
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest: Evaluation of Proposed Dredged Materials Port GambleGuest UserNovember 24, 2019ecotoxicology, laboratory, toxicity testing
Chukchi Sea Environmental Assessment and Drilling Discharge Monitoring: Benthic Community Assessment and Toxicology Port GambleGuest UserNovember 24, 2019taxonomy, arctic, ecotoxicology, field sampling, NPDES, Marine biodiversity
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Environmental Data Collection and Laboratory Management MoscowGuest UserNovember 24, 2019taxonomy, NRDA, laboratory, consulting
Marine Amphipod Toxicity to Cobalt Spiked into Water and Sediment MoscowGuest UserNovember 24, 2019ecotoxicology, laboratory
Biological Monitoring for Fish Restoration Program: State and Central Valley Water Projects MoscowGuest UserNovember 24, 2019taxonomy, restoration
Fish and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Surveys of the Chicago Area Waterways MissouriScott MackeyNovember 24, 2019fish survey, Mussel Surveys, bioassessment, field sampling
Proposed I-69 Corridor Studies, Indiana MissouriScott MackeyNovember 24, 2019Mussel Surveys, bioassessment, field sampling
NPS Mid-Atlantic Network Inventory and Monitoring Program and the Shenandoah National Park Biological Monitoring MoscowGuest UserNovember 24, 2019bioassessment, taxonomy, laboratory